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Monday, November 20, 2023

Nermalsquat Thevesoil

Nermalsquat the noisy thief, 
the unsuccessful lout,
He (squeaky) snuck around at night, 
lurked (trippy, fall) about.

Oh woe was him, 
his chosen field, 
was (stumble, bangy) spoiled.
 If only he had (thumpy, thud) 
essentially been oiled.

Friday, January 13, 2023

A Pod of Pelicans

A pod of pelicans paused in a lake…
perhaps, perchance a colony?
Primping their feathers they dared then to take
an overnight flight to Tuolumne.

A herd of asses was eating molasses
and oats in keeping with habits.
The following course was a meat one of course
made entirely of one nest of rabbits.

A gaggle of Geese in Lamia Greece
gave way to a cover a coots,
and a cauldron of bats were keeping the peace...
with a chowder of Cats in cahoots.