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Saturday, May 11, 2019

In a Handbasket

The bike is coasting down the lane
the wheels go round and round,
why am I in this basket and
where is it that I’m bound?

I take my chance, a leap of faith,
then quickly to the farm
to jump into her arms, again
I’m safe from further harm.

Then off to walk the yellow road,
adventures are in store.
I think it’s safe to say we aren’t
in Kansas anymore.

This was inspired by a bumper sticker I saw today.... it read, "Why am I in this hand basket, and where am I going?"

and it just wouldn't go away until I wrote it.

"If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow,
Why oh why can't I?"

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


I see the truth unfolding in my dreams,
our love exists as interwoven time.
And time is just as simple as it seems,
as basic as the meter in a rhyme.

Our time together doesn't seem to play
into the universe as now defined,
for time's a mere division of the day,
to universal pendulums confined.

But, linear, kinetic, all askew,
arrayed in any manner that may be,
no matter how defined, my love for you
exists in every moment granted me.

And only God himself could grant us this...
the universe began with our first kiss.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Me Alone

Why is it yours to pray for me,
precisely choose the course I set,
to tune the scope that I might see
your plan for me? My friend, I’ve yet

to fathom your intolerance
for those who sow and reap their fate
without your forced benevolence,
advice that won’t abide debate.

The scriptures of the universe
appear before our mortal eyes,
we stretch our minds to read the verse,
to comprehend, to realize

the words are etched on every stone,
for you, my friend-- and me alone.


“I render infinite thanks to God for being so kind as to make me alone the first observer of marvels kept hidden in obscurity for all previous centuries.”

~Galileo Galilei

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Can I go, quietly, away?
Let my friend have the final word…
can I control the things I say?
Like some tweetless breed of  bird?

Can I leave well enough alone…
keep my imagination mute…
Can I turn off my smarty phone?
Become a tuneless kind of lute?
You know I am a simple man….
of cotton shirt and levi pant….
Be quiet…..yes…...I think I can!!!!!
But you know better……friend…….


I can’t.