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Thursday, July 10, 2014


Aweigh the anchor! Underway tonight.
I ride the changing tides of time to sea,
beyond the breakers, past the guiding light
into the depths of sweet serenity.

Away to find my purpose I depart
this port without a compass or a scroll.
Away to know God's presence in my heart,
to feel His gentle touch upon my soul.

As I embark on life's embracing wind,
so like a lover's touch, a velvet hand,
grant me, oh Lord, calm seas to journey's end
and grant my love a way to understand...

the drunkenness that seaward Sailors know...
this sweet intoxication as I go.

Monday, July 7, 2014


We look, askance, at self in jest
with naked, empty eyes;
we try to chart the track that’s best
through life’s uncertain skies.

We cannot make an outward choice
without an inward glance
to check the state of mother’s voice--
we dare not take the chance.

The lords of ambiguity,
we work to earn a “name”,
pursuing great celebrity--
while demonizing same.