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Thursday, November 1, 2012


Without a thought or ounce of will
for certain, not as planned,
the beauty of another thrill
is making its demand.

How can I fall in love again
my heart has run this course?
And who would bet an also-ran,
a gray, uncertain horse?

A dirty trick for hopeless fools
is this October wind
that blows the sails and all the rules
but how can I pretend.

The evidence is plain to see,
I fall for you each night,
and when it’s dark-- and in between
those periods of light.

It's Time

Who, then, is this eternal fool
who takes himself to taste
each one of us as though he has
all of himself to waste.

And all the helpless mortals who
fall victim to his schemes
must, calmly, mark the him until
they die to serve his dreams.

A few may wish to put him off,
deny his right to pass.
Impede him, yet, he’ll pour regret
and stain your soul like glass.

In him he’ll come, you must accept,
to claim your metered soul…
but, in the end, the jokes on him
for whom the bell must toll.

In a Hand Basket

The bike is coasting down the lane
the wheels go round and round,
why am I in this basket and
where is it that I’m bound?

I take my chance, a leap of faith,
then quickly to the farm.
To jump into her arms, again
I’m safe from further harm.

We're off to walk the yellow road,
adventures are in store.
I think it’s safe to say we aren’t
in Kansas anymore.

This was inspired by a bumper sticker I saw.... it read, "Why am I in this hand basket, and where am I going?"

and it just wouldn't go away until I wrote it.

"If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow,
Why oh why can't I?"

Little Sis

~ For Mickey ~ 

I don’t know how to grieve my dear…
forgotten how to cry.
I hid away my love for you…
and now you’ve passed me by.

You had a refuge in my heart
I think you stole the deed.
Yet I can’t cry, and I can’t go
where common manners lead 

A double penance, double tears
await me down the road.
It’s squatting here inside of me…
it’s waiting to explode. 

I can’t embrace the loss I feel...
I won’t allow the pain…
So I will wait…and I will do…
my crying in the rain.

~Sincere apologies to Don and Phil Everly