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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The Angels of the broken wing
had fallen through our hand
and though, in silence, hope would sing
we couldn’t understand.

In tempest was a hidden gift,
bestowed to ease our strife…
the ill- prevailing wind would shift
and change the course of life.

Our Wednesday children, saving graces,
proved the verses wrong;
with little ones of Angel’s faces;
love to pass along.

The early, broken Angels lay
as precious memory
for we know, now, that love can stay
embraced though far away.

Monday, May 14, 2012


A lie is hiding spot between the lines
of wisdom etched in sleek iambic stone,
deceit subliminal in metered rhymes
that’s known to harried bard and bard alone.

The knave constructs his fiction full aware
he’s deigned it just to serve a mottled beat
Convinced that readers very seldom care,
he tosses back his myth and whiskey neat.

With frequency the victims are deceived
by lovely words subverted to a goal
designed to fit a frame that’s preconceived
to keep the versifier’s meter whole.

A boundless sea of gall do writers steer.
I cite the wretched case presented here.